Friday, September 4, 2009

Complications- and an Endless hope

Complications-To want what is not a need,To seek the ability when you dont have the means.To be willing to move ahead when you should run the other way.

I know this sounds so complicated,thats why I call this my own definition of complexities.The inspiration for this is the definition of Demand which every single commerce graduate would have got into their head.Well for all my non commerce friends the text book definition is "Demand is Desire+ Ability + Willingness to buy something"

For some reason I feel there is a lot of similarity between demand and the complications we all have in our life.Let me put it bluntly,Lets all ask ourselves these questions.

1.Are you really happy where you are,are you content,Do you want more ?
2.Do you want something which you should not even dream of wanting?
3.When rationality is about not wanting what you cant have,Do you still find yourself searching for a way to have what you want?
4.And lastly when you should not even set foot into the path of wanting what you dont posess,do you find yourself walking the road towards it,hoping you have it some day?

Be brutaly honest when you ask yourself this,You may feel frustrated and feel you have complicated your life thinking you have brought yourself into this situation.Thats what I define as complications.

Complications-To want what is not a need- I feek we all want so much more

To seek the ability when you dont have the means- I feel we all search for ways to have something we want

To be willing to move ahead when you should run the other way- I know so many of us are moving forward knowing we may complicate our life,but we still move ahead.

And I know All of us are moving ahead coz we all belive in Endless Hope